Increased consumption of Cocoa Flavanols could protect people from mental stress-induced cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart disease and thrombosis, according to new research.

From over 3000 years ago to the present, cocoa has been used to treat anemia, mental fatigue, tuberculosis, fever, gout, kidney stones.
“Cacao contains phenethylamine which triggers the release of endorphins and mood-enhancing neurochemicals in the brain. Despite containing caffeine, cacao is excellent at helping banish stress, thanks to its high levels of the stress-reducing substances valeric acid and magnesium.”
Keep calm with cacao
The ancient Aztecs used cocoa to fight fatigue, and they may have been on to something: cocoa is a rich source of flavanols, compounds that naturally increase blood flow to the brain. And at only 12 calories per tablespoon, it makes for a healthier hot cocoa option than other store-bought brands.
Try mixing a hot cup of coffee or COCOAX'TEND Kibbles Dark Chocolate with 2 tablespoons of COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols Plus (and maybe a ½ teaspoon of honey if you need it a bit sweeter) for a warm beverage!