DO YOU KNOW that chocolate or cocoa are widely treated with alkali, or Dutch-processed, to improve the flavor and appearance. However, this causes a significant loss of antioxidant and flavanols. Impact of alkalization on the flavanol content of commercial cocoa powders.

"Dutch-processed" cocoa powder is made by soaking cocoa beans in an alkaline solution — a process performed by Dutch chemists in the 1800s — which neutralizes acidity and reduces bitterness. The resulting product is darker than natural cocoa powder, and less flavorful. It is sometimes labeled as an “alkaline process” or “alkaline cocoa powder.” It creates a richer and fudgier flavor in baking recipe.
“COCOAX'TEND Cocoa Flavanols retains 80% of flavanols naturally occurring in cocoa beans.”
After 7 years of extensive research, COCOAX’TEND Cocoa Flavanols went through perfected process to preserve up to 80% of the flavanols naturally present in cacao beans, which is 8 times higher than ordinary cocoa powder.