COCOAX'TEND Brand History
COCOAX'TEND carries unique range of premium cocoa ingredients made from the finest selections of West African cacao beans.
Our signature product, COCOAX’TEND Cocoa Flavanols is the healthy cocoa powder with naturally preserved cocoa flavanols. The cocoa flavanols help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, which contributes to normal blood flow. As a natural functional food providing high antioxidant and immune booster, cocoa flavanols is proven with scientific research to have contributed to many other health benefits.
As the brand grows, COCOAX’TEND carries more varieties of premium cocoa ingredients, and we now have KIBBLES Dark Chocolate, EQUATO All-purpose Cocoa Powder, in addition to the Low Fat and High Fat Specialty Cocoa Powder selections.
Looking to expand your business with our specialty cocoa ingredients?
Contact us!